The project focused on creating an innovative office recess zone, where employees can unwind, recharge, and experience a break from the structured demands of the workplace. The design concept was rooted in the use of abstract designs and free-flowing shapes, intentionally chosen to cultivate a serene and stress-free environment. Unlike traditional office spaces that often feature rigid, linear forms, this recess zone embraces organic, non-conforming shapes, which are known to profoundly impact the human mind.

Design Concept and Impact

The abstract nature of the design removes the constraints of uniformity, encouraging the mind to wander and explore without the usual cognitive boundaries imposed by structured environments. Free-flowing shapes, such as curved lines and asymmetrical forms, are known to evoke feelings of calmness and creativity. These shapes subconsciously reduce mental pressure, allowing individuals to experience a sense of freedom and relaxation. This design approach aligns with the psychological principles that suggest environments with irregular, natural forms can lower stress levels and enhance overall well-being.

In essence, the project aimed to create a sanctuary within the office—a space where employees can momentarily escape the pressures of work and return with a refreshed mindset, ultimately fostering a healthier and more productive workplace culture.


Kings Coffee Shop


St. Gregory's New and Furbished Opera House